Be Healthy

Become a runner and change your life. You may not know how much running cam improve every aspect of your life. There are a lot of evidence of the amazing benefits running can give you. As a middle school and high school age student, you may not think these are important, but they are very important benefits that will stay with you through your adult life if you keep running. Below are some of these benefits!


Benefit 1. Running adds years to your life and life to your years.


Benefit 2. Running helps you sleep better.


Benefit 3. Running can improve your knees and back.


Benefit 4. Running helps you lose weight, and keep it off.


Benefit 5. Running improves your immunity.


Benefit 6. Running improves cognitive function, and reduces cognitive decline and Alzheimers.


Benefit 7. Running reduces risk of many cancers.


Benefit 8. Running improves mental health, and reduces depression.


Benefit 9. Running improves glucose regulation, and lowers risk of diabetes and pre-diabetes.


Benefit 10. Running lowers your blood pressure.


Bonus Benefit: Running builds your self-esteem.’
